
Adults are very important to ministry. The church looks to its adult members to lead them. Therefore it is vital for adults to get together to grow and learn. Where people are on the same page, actions follow. Nursery and child care is provided in the form of Sunday school and Children’s Church for parents to be able to attend their class.

Sunday school begins at 9:00 a.m. Adults are given the option to attend a class comprised of men and women or just those of the same gender. The co-ed classes are led by Ricky Leger and Danny Leger. The men’s class is led by our head pastor, Joshua Johnson. The women’s class is led by Denise Bertrand. Each class follows a curriculum designed to grow you in your relationship with Christ as well as show you how to apply the things you learn to your everyday life.

Wednesday nights are casual at our church. Service begins at 6:00 p.m. Prayer requests are taken and discussion is encouraged. Our adults follow a video-based curriculum on Wednesday nights.